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Close contacts are individuals who were within 6 feet of a positive case for 15 minutes without a mask on over their nose and mouth. Close contacts exposed to a positive case should stay away from others and wait at least 4 days before getting a COVID-19 test.

Pop-Up Testing Sites
St. John - Sign up here
Wednesday | 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm: Cruz Bay - VIPA Gravel Lot
Drive-Thru Testing Sites
St. Croix
DOH: Charles Harwood Memorial Parking Lot on St. Croix
Results will be available in 36-48 hours.
St. Thomas
SRMC Parking Lot - Please check your email confirmation for driving directions.
Results will be available in 36-72 hours.
Other Covid-19 Testing Sites
Private Healthcare Providers and Laboratories
If you are experiencing the following symptoms (headache, fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing) or to report a suspected COVID-19 case, please call (STX) *340-712-6299 or (STT/STJ) *340-776-1519. *These numbers are not for general use.

Pruebas de COVID-19: Laboratorios y Proveedores de Atención Médica Privados
Si tiene los siguientes síntomas (dolor de cabeza, fiebre, escalofríos, tos, falta de aire, o dificultad para respirar) o si desea informar un caso sospechoso de COVID-19, llame al (STX)*340 712 6299 o al (STT/STJ) *340 776 1519. Estos los números no son para uso general.

Explore the different types of testing and current CDC guidelines on who should get tested.

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